Analizadores y Sensores ANALYZER "SOLO" O2 DIVE SOFT DS-8302 €396.69 DIVESOFT A smart and accurate NITROX analyzer that offers simple oxygen measurement and advanced features, is the ideal partner for all recreational NITROX divers. Add to cart
Analizadores y Sensores ANALIZADOR HE/O2 "SOLO" DIVE SOFT DS-8300 €718.18 DIVESOFT The Solo analyzer makes gas analysis simple, accurate and reliable. With Solo, you'll always know what you're breathing, wherever you go. Add to cart
Analizadores y Sensores ANALIZADOR HE/O2 DIVE SOFT DS-8313 €900.00 DIVESOFT Analyzer He/O2 is a precise apparatus for measuring oxygen helium concentrations in diving breathing gasses. It is a necessary tool for technical divers using nitrox and trimix mixtures. Add to cart
Analizadores y Sensores DNA NITROX ANALYSER DIVE SOFT DS-8640 €197.52 Divesoft The DiveSoft DNA Nitrox Analyser is a revolutionary tool due to its compact, pocket-friendly size, its compatibility with standard R22D Molex-connected sensors, and its ability to connect to phones via Bluetooth for readings. Add to cart
Analizadores y Sensores ANALYZER SET BLENDER STANDAR DIVE SOFT DS-8450 €1,057.85 DIVE SOFT Analyzer Set Blender Standar. Add to cart
Ordenadores ORDENADOR FREEDOM+ FULL TRIMIX DIVE SOFT DS-8457 €648.76 DIVESOFT The Freedom+ dive computer is designed for all levels of divers and its intuitive user interface makes the computer exceptionally easy to use even for beginner divers. Add to cart
Analizadores y Sensores SENSOR DE OXIGENO 22S DIVE SOFT DS-3001 €73.55 DIVESOFT Oxygen sensor Divesoft type 22S with a three pin Molex connector. Add to cart
Adaptadores de Llenado SILENCIADOR DIVESOFT DIVE SOFT DS-8016 €47.93 DIVESOFT Silencer for draining gas from diving cylinders. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE NITROX TO ADVANCED NITROX DIVE SOFT DS-4005 €164.46 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Nitrox to Advanced Nitrox. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM BASIC NITROX TO FULL TRIMIX DIVE SOFT DS-4006 €243.80 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Basic Nitrox a Full Trimix. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED NITROX TO FULL TRIMIX DIVE SOFT DS-4008 €106.61 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Nitrox to Full Trimix. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED BOTTOM TIMER TO BASIC NITROX DIVE SOFT DS-4011 €68.60 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Bottom Timer to Basic Nitrox. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED BOTTOM TIMER TO ADVANCED NITROX DIVE SOFT DS-4012 €202.48 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Bottom Timer to Advanced Nitrox. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED BOTTOM TIMER TO FULL TRIMIX DIVE SOFT DS-4013 €375.21 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Bottom Timer to Full Trimix. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED BOTTOM TIMER TO CCR BOTTOM TIMER DIVE SOFT DS-4015 €228.93 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Bottom Timer to CCR Bottom Timer. Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM CCR BOTTOM TIMER TO CLOSED CIRCUIT (WITHOUT CABLE) DIVE SOFT DS-4016 €210.74 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom CCR Bottom Timer to Closed Circuit (without cable). Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED BOTTOM TIMER TO CLOSED CIRCUIT (WITHOUT CABLE) DIVE SOFT DS-4030 €330.58 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Bottom Timer to Closed Circuit (without cable). Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM ADVANCED NITROX TO CLOSED CIRCUIT (WITHOUT CABLE) DIVE SOFT DS-4031 €272.73 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Advanced Nitrox to Close circuit (without cable). Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM BASIC NITROX TO CLOSED CIRCUIT (WITHOUT CABLE) DIVE SOFT DS-4032 €411.57 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Basic Nitrox to Close Circuit (without cable). Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE FREEDOM FULL TRIMIX TO CLOSED CIRCUIT (WITHOUT CABLE) DIVE SOFT DS-4033 €169.42 DIVESOFT Software upgrade Freedom Full Trimix to Close Circuit (without cable). Add to cart
Ordenadores SOFTWARE UPGRADE TO CLOSED CIRCUIT FOR FREEDOM+ DIVE SOFT DS-4037 €169.42 DIVESOFT Software upgrade to Closed Circuit for Freedom+. Add to cart
New Analizadores y Sensores LIMITADOR DE FLUJO MK2 PROFESIONAL DIN G5/8 DIVE SOFT DS-8437 €165.21 DIVE SOFT The Professional flow limiter Mk2 is equipped with a regulator that reduces the gas to flow at a constant rate regardless of the cylinder pressure. Add to cart